Do you move furniture in the rain?

Yes. We move furniture in the rain, if weather permits and the customer approves.

You may be wondering if we move furniture in the rain and if so, how? We don’t always move furniture in the rain, sometimes we reschedule with a mutual agreement between us and our customer. Sometimes the weather is very light rain and, or, staggered sun showers, which allows us to strategically get things done.

Lake City Mover has several policies that affect the way things get done on moving day when it rains. Sometimes we can continue working and other times we cannot. If you are not comfortable continuing your move, you will have to reschedule the job. Depending on what stage of your move you are in, will dictate what happens next.

Read this great article on “Bad Weather on Moving Day” to learn more about how we handle this situation and learn about some of our policies.

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