Do you offer unpacking?

Unpacking Services - Lake City Mover

Yes. Lake City Mover offers unpacking services.

At Lake City Mover, our unpacking services are sold on an hourly basis. We always want you, our customer, to settle in as comfortably as possible. For this reason, we don’t put restrictions or restraints on the unpacking service we offer. We want you to take your time deciding where your things will find their new homes.

The unpacking service is primarily an unpacking, organizing and debris removal process. We will go over all of these things on the day of unpacking and explain the process.


First, we will stage all of your boxes in the necessary areas to prepare the boxes for unpacking. As the boxes are unpacked, the customer must designate an are for the items.

This process repeats until all of your boxes are unpacked. You may then find it necessary to organize or reorganize some items we have unpacked or staged on a table for a later decision.


We always encourage our customers to plan as much ahead of time as possible when it comes to organizing the contents of your home. Designating areas for your personal effects is very important for your daily living standards. We can make suggestions, but only you know the best place for your things.

Our team will refer to any labels or writing on the boxes for reference during this process.

Organizing can be a lengthy process, but know we will be there with you every step of the way to help in any decisions you may have. We also will gladly alphabetize, categorize or organize otherwise any items you request.

Debris Removal

Once everything is unpacked and organized into your new home and all of your items have found a new place to live, we remove all the debris. Throughout the unpacking process we keep all of the work areas as clean as possible. This means we designate boxes for old packing paper and bubble wrap, to keep the floors clear of debris. We also break down the cardboard boxes so they don’t take up so much room. Once the unpacking is complete, the debris removal should go extremely fast and your home should be ready to live in and make new memories.

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