Delivery Services

Delivery Services

Delivery Services in Lake City, Florida



Low Cost

Schedule Your Next Delivery

Furniture Delivery, Heavy and Bulky Item Delivery, Appliance Delivery, Material Delivery, Job Site Delivery, Commercial Delivery…

  • Furniture
  • Appliances
  • Materials
  • Heavy & Bulky Items

Savings For Our Clients

Save yourself the time. Our company will take the load off of your back so you can focus on what really matters. We are logistics experts. Let us hit the road for you, so you don’t have to.

Save yourself the work. Our professionals are highly paid for the hard work they put in. We specialize in large item delivery. Our equipment and staff will save you more than just time.

Save yourself the money. Picking up and dropping off deliveries are our specialty. We have optimized the cost of doing this. Our prices are low and let you focus your resources on making more money elsewhere.

Connected With Our Clients

Get your next delivery scheduled with Lake City Mover.

Our trucks are your bridge.

From Pickup.

During Transit.

To Drop Off.

A to B

Your Route


Our drivers are extremely professional and stay in touch with our clients.

Expect contact immediately upon pickup, during transit and upon delivery.

Our team knows how important it is to track and trace your delivery.

Security For Our Clients

From origin to destination, your delivery will be completely protected.

  • Our trucks are equipped with all the tools and supplies necessary to secure your items safety.
  • Our company provides additional insurance options for every shipment up to $6.00 per lb, instead of the basic .60 cents per lb.